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Is an IUD Right for Me?

Is an IUD Right for Me?

Modern medicine offers women extensive choices for family planning. When deciding on a birth control method, consider if it is easy to use, if it’s reversible, and your health and preferences. 

With many factors to consider when choosing birth control, you might feel overwhelmed. The good news is that most birth control types are easily reversible, so you can switch to another if you don’t like your current method. 

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are the third most common birth control method for women in the United States. Women with IUDs often mention their 99% rate of effectiveness and how long they last as reasons why they trust this method most. 

At Medical Care for Women, PC, in Astoria and Jamaica, in New York City, certified gynecologist Andrea D. Olanescu, MD, offers IUD insertion services. She can explain how IUDs work and how they compare to other popular birth control methods. 

Comparing IUD types

There are two main IUD categories: hormonal and non-hormonal. Although both are placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy, they work in different ways:

Hormonal IUDs

Hormonal IUDs gradually release a hormone called progestin, similar to the natural hormone progesterone your body makes. This hormone thickens your cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to reach the egg. It also prevents ovulation, so the egg never leaves your ovary. A hormonal IUD can last for up to eight years

Non-hormonal IUDs 

You might prefer a hormone-free birth control option. Non-hormonal IUDs are made of copper, a spermicidal (kills sperm) metal. A copper IUD prevents pregnancy for up to 12 years

Why you might choose an IUD over other birth control

Both hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs offer many perks when compared to other birth control methods like the pill, implants, or condoms. You might be interested in trying an IUD because:

The IUD insertion procedure is quick. Dr. Olanescu may offer medicine to numb your cervix for the insertion procedure. Once the IUD is in place, you don’t have to think about it until it’s time to replace it or you decide to have it removed. 

Are you a candidate for an IUD? 

An IUD is a safe birth control device for almost all women. Dr. Olanescu helps you decide if an IUD is your best choice based on your family goals, lifestyle, and overall health. 

To compare different IUDs for birth control, call your nearest Medical Care for Women, PC, or book an appointment online today. 

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