Reasons You May Need a Hysteroscopy

If you’re experiencing unusual symptoms such as unexplained vaginal bleeding, severe cramping, or difficulty getting pregnant, you’re probably eager to find out the cause and get relief. Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure used to help make a diagnosis.
At Medical Care for Women, PC in Astoria, New York, Dr. Andrea Olanescu and her team are pleased to provide hysteroscopy as a means of examining your reproductive organs and pinpointing or treating any issues. Read on to learn more about this procedure, including reasons to have one.
What happens during a hysteroscopy
During your hysteroscopy, Dr. Olanescu places a lighted scope-like instrument called a hysteroscope through your vagina to get a good look at your cervix and uterus.
The procedure isn’t typically painful, but you may feel some cramping. If you’re anxious, stressed, already in pain, or would simply like added ease, we may recommend a sedative or anesthetic.
Why you might need a hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy is a very versatile procedure that allows Dr. Olanescu to pinpoint, assess, and recommend treatment for a range of conditions and issues. Some of the most common reasons it’s performed include:
- Abnormal Pap smear results
- Abnormal uterine bleeding, such as spotting between periods
- Assessment or guided removal of fibroids or polyps
- Collection of tissues for biopsies
- Desire for permanent contraception through fallopian tube blocks
- Difficulty getting pregnant
- Endometriosis concerns or ablation
- Having had multiple miscarriages
- Locating and removing a displaced IUD
- Removal of scar tissue from infections or surgeries
- Unusually heavy, frequent, or few periods
Good candidates for a hysteroscopy
Most anyone with a cervix or uterus can safely benefit from a hysteroscopy. Some conditions may interfere with the procedure, however, such as pelvic inflammatory disease.
And several factors can get in the way of accurate viewing and results, such as cervix inflammation, vaginal discharge, and bloating. For these reasons, Dr. Olanescue may make efforts to time your hysteroscopy in terms of your cycle.
What to expect after a hysteroscopy
If your hysteroscopy, we’ll continue monitoring your vital signs. Then, you’ll need to have someone drive you home.
Some people experience abdominal pain, cramping, or bleeding hysteroscopy, which tends to be mild to moderate and diminish on their own. A heated or ice pack and over-the-counter pain medications can help relieve any discomfort. Temporarily, you’ll need to avoid penetrative sex, as directed by Dr. Olanescu.
If you experience severe pain, bleeding, or fever after the procedure, seek immediate medical care. While these issues are rare, they can be serious.
To learn more about hysteroscopy or schedule an appointment with Dr. Olanescu, call Medical Care for Women PC or use our online booking feature.
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